Tuesday, May 19, 2015

final smitty's

This project was my final for Web Design. We were given a website that was in rough shape, and told to recreate it using modern style and just all around better designing. This was the website in the beginning when it was given to us- 

We were given first a project on researching the history and development of Mobile designing. After a few worksheets on that, we were given a packet in which we were told to take notes on the website and write down all of the important things to keep or trash, content wise. After completing this step, it was off to the sketches. This was my first set of different mobile sketches, along with the tablet and desktop- 

This is a sketch of the fully completed desktop layout (very similar to mobile)-

And now finally, this is the end result of my mobile layout-

Tablet layout- (very similar to mobile)

And the desktop layout! -

Overall, the only thing that truly shifts when layout changes is the ads and contact info. The graphics and background of everything else stays put! 

This project truly was a fun thing to work on and finish as the year ended. This we designing class not only taught me a multitude of things on the web, but the people and Molson truly made this year something worth finishing. Thank you for all that you do Mr. Olson, I'm really going to miss you next year if i can't do web. (Graduating early reasons.) 

Have an amazing summer! :)

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